Pumapalo para sa Bayan 2023: Upsilonians na Pumapalo 40th Anniversary Tournament

Celebrating 105 years of the alma mater's foundation and four decades of brotherhood and fellowship, the Upsilonians na Pumapalo is excited to host the Pumapalo para sa Bayan 2023 UP Barkada Red & Green Golf Tournament on November 21st at Mount Malarayat Golf & Country Club in Lipa City, Batangas.
As the premier leg of the monthly tournaments of the UP Barkada, a group of golfing alumni belonging to all UP fraternities, this event seeks to foster camaraderie and communication amongst its members and residents.
With the expectation of 100-120 players from different UP fraternities and their guests, the golf event promises to be a grand gathering of talent, spirit, and goodwill.
Backed by the Upsilon Sigma Phi Alumni Association, Upsilonians na Pumapalo, UP Barkada, and supported by UP Alumni Association, Pumapalo para sa Bayan extends an invitation to every Filipino golfer. It's more than a tournament; it's a collective mission for the country and its people.
Each of the golf course's holes is dedicated to specific HELP projects (Health-Education-Livelihood-Peace), offering opportunities to give back to the community. Every swing, every putt, every hole counts towards impacting local communities and assisting those in need.
Join this humble mission and savor the experience of making a real difference while playing the game of golf. This unique blend of sport and service embodies the spirit of Upsilon Sigma Phi and the wider UP community.
We extend an invitation to you and your prestigious company or organization to become valued advertisers for this significant event. Detailed packages and specifications are available for your perusal and guidance in the subsequent pages.
The deadline for submission of company logos and advertisement material is October 25, 2023. Your full support and generosity will be instrumental in ensuring the success of this event and, more importantly, in contributing positively to the lives of our fellow countrymen.
Together, let us swing for a better Philippines, one hole at a time.
by Cai Monteser '17