Statement of Policy

THE UPSILON SUN is a means of communication among Upsilonians. Therefore, it shall print all relevant information about the Fraternity which are of interest to all fellows.

THE UPSILON SUN is the medium of expression of Upsilonians. Therefore, in recognition of the diversity of personalities and ideas in the fraternity, it shall strive to publish all views of its members.

The UPSILON SUN is a vehicle for the dissemination of the intellectual resources of the fraternity. Therefore, it shall endeavor to publish articles and contributions of its members in the fields of humanities, economic, social and political sciences and other areas which can enlighten the members, and perhaps the public.

The UPSILON SUN will flourish as long as Upsilonians support it. Therefore, the UPSILON SUN shall depend upon the participation of its members for it to be able to achieve its purposes.