Upsilonians Worldwide Celebrate Yuletide Season

Upsilonians Around the World Celebrate Yuletide Season

Members of Batch 2013 gathered at the home of fellow Jesse Andres '81 to celebrate the holidays.
"Christmas waves a magic wand all over the world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful," Norman Vincent Peale once wrote.
Because the sun never really sets on the fraternity, with fellows scattered all over the globe, brods and their families have been gathering in joyful celebration of the Yuletide season.
The celebrations started early, with the USPAA hosting the 105th anniversary of the fraternity's founding at the Ang Bahay ng Alumni on November 27.

Brods working at the Department of Justice gather together for a group lunch in celebration of the holidays.
Brods from various alumni chapters arounf the world hosted their annual holiday gatherings. The Southwest Chapter held theirs at the home of fellow Ed Espiritu '55 in Los Angeles; the annual Northeast Chapter celebration was held in White Plains, New York; our Canadian brods gathered in Toronto and Calgary, the Mid-Atlantic Chapter gathered at the home of USPAA President Yari Miralao '88 in Vienna, Virginia and a small group of Singapore-based brods also celebrated together. Our Sigma Deltan sisters were also ever-present in these joyous occasions.
All over the Philippines, from the north in Baguio to the south in Davao, our brods gathered with their chapters and batchmates - batches from the 90's and 2000's seemed to dominate the holiday party scene with batches '92, '93, '95, '96, '97, 2001, 2008, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2019 and our youngest fellows from batch 2023 out in force to celebrate together. The golden Batch '68 held theirs at the Red Cross building, hosted by fellow Dick Gordon '68. Upsilonians in government from the Department of Justice and the AFP/PNP also held their gatherings
Here are pictures of various holiday gatherings hosted by Upsilonians all over the word.

USPNA Mid-Atlantic Chapter

Batch '78

AFP-PNP brods

Batch '68

Batch 1992

Baguio City Chapter

USPNA Northeast Chapter

Singapore brods

USPNA Toronto Chapter

Cubao Rangers

Davao City Chapter

Batch '93

Batch '95

Batch '96

Batch '97

Batch 2003

Batch 2008

Batch 2015

Batch 2016

Batch 2019

Batch 2023

Calgary brods

Cubao Rangers
The Upsilon Sun team wishes one and all the best of the holiday season, and may the New Year bring forth the promise of peace and prosperity to you and yours.